Friday, August 21, 2015

Un-wrinkling skin problems

Having dealt with skin issues for most of my life, I've tried many different skin products.  Some don't work for me and others do for a while, but then my skin changes, and I have to go through the process of finding new products again.

In my experience, there isn't any product that gives your skin the perfect appearance promised/desired.  Products don't change your DNA.  But about a month ago I started using a product that has noticeably helped my skin from the first use.  It's not a miracle product, but it's effectiveness for me is impressive enough to share, and maybe it will be even more effective for people who don't have as problematic skin as me.

Peter Thomas Roth's Un-Wrinkle Peel Pads are designed to help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, pores, and even skin tone.  For me, the most noticeable change is in the reduction of acne, softening of skin texture, and a general healthier appearance.  The peel pads contain alpha, beta, and gamma hydroxy acids that exfoliate the skin.  After applying, you may feel tingling that's usually associated with those ingredients, but after rinsing with water, you can feel that your skin is smoother.  I notice even more of a difference after waking up the next morning and washing my face.  I can't help but touch my skin and marvel at how much healthier it looks and feels.

These pads retail for $45 (for a 60 count container) at Sephora, which isn't cheap, but like many skincare products, you can find them for cheaper on Amazon.

PTR's Un-Wrinkle Peel Pads haven't completely fixed my dermatological issues (no product can), but they have made me feel better about my skin.

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